About Us
Software editing firm specialized in video analytics
VisioSafe is a software editing firm specialized in Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Video Management, and Video Analytics. It has many years of experience in the development of intelligent video management solutions, ranging from video counting to video analytics software.
Headquartered in the EPFL innovation park in Lausanne, Switzerland, VisioSafe has been founded by a team of researchers from EPFL and Stanford which developed, after several years of R&D, a patented and an internationally awarded Smart Sensor to anonymously capture visitor flow in any environment.
VisioSafe has worldwide operations and customers. Large companies in telecommunication, parking management, and transportation use already VisioSafe services to monitor and improve their daily operations.

Contact Us
Visiosafe SA
EPFL Innovation Park
Bâtiment C
1015 Lausanne
General: info@visiosafe.com
Sales: sales@visiosafe.com
Customer Support: support@visiosafe.com
Web: www.visiosafe.com
"We have selected VisioSafe, because of their innovative product and wide application range, which has already been tried out by many customers.", Stefan Kuentz, Investment Director Swisscom Ventures
Some detailed articles:
- On ALP ICT: "Visiosafe: Analyzing Visitor Behavior for better public spaces experiences"
- On EPFL news: "LTS2 Spin-Off VisioSafe Analyzes Large Scale Crowd Data"
- On Swiss French newspaper: "VisioSafe traque les voyageurs à la gare de Lausanne"
- On French news: "L’analyse des déplacements humains en temps réel"
- And an interview with one of the co-founder.
No personal data is ever collected or used. Thus, data analyzed cannot be linked to any individual.